Understanding the Different Types of Professional Photographers and What They Mean for You as a Client

Not all professional photographers are equal. And that’s because we all specialise in something, whether it’s headshots, products or fashion. When you’re seeking a professional photographer for your images, you need to know their speciality. Each type of photographer brings a unique skill set and perspective to their work, which directly impacts the kind of …

The top 5 questions I like to be asked as a brand photographer

If you want to work make sure you’re getting the best brand photographer for you, you need to get the right information to make sure you’re going to work well together. Portfolios are a great starting point. A photographer’s style needs to work with your brand and the message you’re trying to get out to …

79% of people don’t listen to your videos, and these are 10 ways you can do something about it

79% of people aren’t listening to your videos, and these are 10 ways you can do something about it. Most videos on social media are played without sound. They do this so that they don’t disturb others. All your hard work spent script writing, filming and editing could be going to waste if your audience …

How to get great photos, even if you hate being photographed

Hate being photographed but need some great photos? You’re not alone, and I can help. A handful. That’s how many people I’ve come across in the past 17 years I’ve been a professional photographer who enjoy their photograph being taken. The rest: either neutral or hate it. I’ve even met models who need time to …

How to get the right profile picture for LinkedIn

When you’re asking yourself how to get the right profile photo for LinkedIn, perhaps you need to ask why it’s important in the first place. First impressions are everything. Now that our professional profiles are more visible than ever because of social media, we need to make sure we are getting it right. That’s why …

The Top Five Questions you should ask a Brand Photographer

You want to invest wisely when hiring a brand photographer, so what questions should you ask them? And it is an investment…of money and your time.  Finding the right brand photographer for you and your business relies on asking the right questions. You will also need to prepare a photography brief that gets down to the essentials.   …

How to optimise your images for the web

Why should I optimise my images for the web? Knowing how to optimise your images for the web is a crucially important aspect of running and managing your own website. Google will take your website’s performance into consideration when indexing and ranking for search results. Images are often the biggest culprit in poor site performance; …